Ann Arbor's Signature Programs

  • 我们相信艺术

    AAPS offers rich instruction in visual arts, 合唱音乐, 管弦乐队, 乐队, 爵士乐, theater and dance that all positively impact the whole student academically.

    • 98% of K-12 AAPS students are enrolled in at least one arts course.
    • 64% of AAPS secondary students are enrolled in at least two art courses.
    • AAPS有一个令人印象深刻的仪器清单,供每个小学的学生使用, middle and high school who are involved in the instrumental 音乐 program.
    • 小学 students receive 60 minutes weekly instruction in visual arts, 60 minutes weekly instruction in vocal 音乐, and 76 minutes of Humanities. The 小学 Humanities program includes art, 音乐, physical education and media teachers instructing students in their content area.
    • Instrumental 音乐 starts in 5th grade and may continue through 12th grade. Vocal 音乐 begins in Kindergarten and may continue through 12th grade.
    • 在2013年和2014年,AAPS被公认为肯尼迪中心艺术教育联盟网络的四个国家决赛选手之一 & National School Boards Association Award.
    • AAPS has a strong partnership with University Musical Society (UMS); the Kennedy Center provides Kennedy Center teaching artists for professional staff development workshops for AAPS staff.
    • AAPS每年被全国音乐商人协会(NAMM)基金会评为最佳音乐教育社区.
    • Pioneer High was named a 2011 National GRAMMY Signature School. 休伦 High was named a 2006 GRAMMY Signature School.
    • 社区高中的爵士节目被公认为全国最好的爵士表演节目之一.
    • 社区, 休伦, 先锋高中和天际线高中都有非常受人尊敬的戏剧协会,他们在整个学年都表演完整的音乐作品和戏剧选择.
    • AAPS提供了一个综合拓展音乐课程(COMP),为那些6 - 8年级的学生提供一对一的私人音乐课程,否则他们将无法负担这些课程. 

    We Excel in 体育运动 and Afterschool Programs 

    • AAPS擅长为学生提供各种丰富的机会,如体育教育, 体育运动, extra – curricular clubs and programs – something for every student! 
    • 美国儿科学会认为,学生与学校和同龄人保持联系是很重要的. 教职员工和学生的关系已被证明是学生整体学业和社会成功的关键指标. AAPS provides a wide variety of opportunities for student involvement.
    • 小学 afterschool programs including school clubs and 矩形&Ed classes expand the student’s involvement, learning and fun!
    • Middle schools offer 5 seasons of 体育运动 both intramural and intermural, as well as a variety of afterschool clubs ranging from Academic Games, 创意写作, 数学计算, 工程俱乐部, and a variety of extended 音乐 and performing arts clubs.
    • 高中为男女学生提供34种校队运动,以及100多个俱乐部和课外活动. All clubs are sponsored by a staff member or approved volunteer. 

    World Langu年龄 Instruction Starts in 小学

    Speaking a langu年龄 other than English is essential 21st 我们的学生需要具备世纪能力,才能在一个日益相互联系和全球化的世界中茁壮成长. 新的密歇根州高中毕业标准要求所有学生在毕业前获得2个世界语言学分. 投注网站已经开始实施系统范围的世界语言体验,从三年级开始,一直持续到高中. 投注网站的学生将在他们的语言学习之路上走得很好,从他们的初级世界语言经验开始,继续进入我们特殊的高中课程中提供的多种语言课程.

    • 有效的语言学习和能力必须公平地向所有学生开放.
    • Cultural appreciation evolves from learning a langu年龄 other than English; langu年龄 learning connects to important outcomes articulated in our social studies curriculum and grade level expectations (a study of changing demographics, 对经济的影响, an appreciation for geography and an understanding of inter-national dependency).

    技术 Use Across the Entire Curriculum

    • Upgraded network infrastructure at 16 sites with approximately 150 new switches, 486 wireless access points, 2,547个数据丢失.
    • Installed over 517 projectors at 15 sites.
    • 教师和管理人员参加了为期两周的新加坡工作学习之旅, 由丰田教育计划通过丰田汽车销售公司在STEAM创新项目中全额资助, U.S.一个公司. and administered by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Innovations program to enhance STEAM teaching and learning.
    • 对教师进行为期四天的STEAM专业学习学院,主题为:ENGAGE. 连接. 变换.
    • Partnered with Michigan Virtual University (MVU) on the My Blend project. 42 teachers finished the first course.
    • 在休伦高中和Northside A2蒸汽实施了另外两个项目领跑技术实验室站点. Expansion underway to all middle and K-8 buildings.
    • Implemented 谷歌应用程序 for all AAPS students.
    • Installed 22 new Career 技术 Education (CTE) computers in 4 CTE labs.
    • The 技术 Department continues oversight of 3 grants:
    • Toyota STEAM 专业学习 Academy (PLA) grant ($27,000)
    • 投注网站教育基金会(AAPSEF) A2蒸汽实验室(50,000美元),IMRA America, Inc. 通过AAPSEF,设计,技术,环境规划(DTEP)拨款(100,000美元). 

    Project Lead The Way in grades 6-12

    Project Lead Way (PLTW)为工程和生物医学职业道路提供全面的初中和高中课程. PLTW是美国领先的科学、技术、工程和数学(STEM)项目提供商. 工程职业道路包括8个为期9周的初中课程和8年的高中课程.  The biomedical sciences career path consists of four high school courses. 每门课程都以标准化测试结束,以衡量学生的表现,并与密歇根优秀课程交叉.  完成课程后,学生将有机会参加考试, which upon successful completion, will provide college credit at numerous universities, including; Eastern Michigan University, Lawrence Technological University, 和凯特林大学.

    Career and Technical Education

    职业和技术教育(CTE)课程为学生提供了一个发展技能的机会,这些技能将在毕业后导致就业, 或者提供一个基金会,帮助他们在高中毕业后继续接受高等教育. 参加国家批准的职业和技术教育项目的高中生可以免费开始他们的大学教育.  Much like dual enrollment, 这意味着同时获得高中文凭和大学学位的学分.


    • 汽车服务技术
    • 工商管理
    • 建设
    • 美容
    • 烹饪艺术
    • 数字多媒体
    • 财务/会计
    • Health Therapeutic 服务
    • 市场销售 & 服务


    • 工程